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高考英语作文范文-Happiness in Chiristmas Day

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-22 18:01:09

圣诞节僬就要到了,圣诞节是西方的传统节日,有很多的活动,同学们在学习英语的时候对西方的节日要有所了解,下面给大家带来高考英语作文范文-Happiness in Chiristmas Day,大家看一看,希望对大家有帮助。

Happiness in Chiristmas Day

Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December. Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ. But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday. There is always a shopping boom during this period. So it's really a happy season for shop owners. bout foreign culture.


以上就是我们学大教育给大家带来的高考英语作文范文-Happiness in Chiristmas Day,英语作文是英语学习中很重要的一部分,大家要好好学习。

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