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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-04-08 12:31:18


A: good morning. I’m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room. Could you help me?

B: certainly. As you can see, we have several three-piece suites on sale. Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are.

A: I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision. I think I like the black leather suite. It’s on a real bargain.

B: yes. The price has been reduced by 50%. It’s a real bargain.

A: I’ll take it. I also need to improve the lighting in my living room. Do you have any suggestions?

B: those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you’re reading or watching tv. How big is your living room?

A: it’s quite large. It’s about 40 square metres.

B: I’d suggest you buy two. That allows you to change the brightness of the room better.

A: ok. I like the design of this lamps. I also need some cushion covers. I’ll just browse through those ones over there.


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